I think, first of all, the bureau has to be commended for listening to the effective consensus associated with this, that in fact what we really need is a division of matters into per se offences, which are prosecutable by criminal law and basically represent clear attempts to try to frustrate the Competition Act, and the civil side of things, which look to the anti-competitive effect of the actions and treat it as a civil matter and treat it as an economic matter and attempt to allocate it in accordance with general economic principles.
I think the consensus previous to this has been that the provisions of the act were almost unenforceable because of the presence of the “undue” section. And I think while it might be fair that some industry players may have preferred the old section of the act, primarily because it was toothless, there are undoubtedly players within the business community—people who are prepared to invest, people who are prepared to set up businesses, people who are prepared to do things—who will be very pleased by this kind of action, because it will prevent incumbents from acting in a way that frustrates their attempts to deal with it.