I'm sorry, Mr. Lalonde. I've read the report. You choose to make an adjustment for that. There are other things that we can also make adjustments for, for the Auditor General. I'm not so sure there are millions of businesses that plan their financing around sending extra money to CRA and then when they need it they can just ask for a cheque overnight. If there were a couple of companies that were doing it, good for them. I think the Auditor General got a little bit of press for that, but I'm not so sure I know of too many companies that can rely on that kind of financing.
My problem is that with the inefficiencies in the way the CRA works, I don't see how you can just not offset, because as I said, it's not uncommon for CRA to send a refund with many delays and meanwhile try to collect overnight. It could easily add up to a 2% difference over a period of time, especially since the taxpayer is not the one who controls when CRA is the one issuing the refunds.