Well, I think the vast majority of Canadians benefit from secure transportation infrastructure. That is the first answer to the question.
The second part, frankly, is that if we are the chosen industry, we're hoping you'll choose someone else. The airline industry alone suffers from three-quarters of a billion dollars per year of special consideration, whether it's special fuel charges, whether it's the ATS funding that we're talking about today, or whether it's airport rents. So what we have done is that we've created a competitive imbalance for our travel infrastructure here in Canada.
Our point today, sir, is that we believe the government has recognized this. That's why the Prime Minister came out last April and said that we need a holistic tourism strategy. Unfortunately, it continues to be undermined through the cherry-picking of different initiatives like this one, and it's unfortunate....
I share the views of perhaps some of my colleagues: it's unfortunate that we are here today amongst this debate. These are all worthy issues that we're here to discuss, but by Statistics Canada's own numbers, the tourism industry is bigger than fisheries, agriculture, and forestry combined, and we are whittled away through a cherry-picking of initiatives largely because our issues are across the federal government in various federal departments.