The CIA is publishing a white paper today. It's been in the works for a couple of months. It's looking at the different proposals on expanding public coverage. The ABC plan out west was proposed, as well as the Canada supplementary pension plan. There was also the proposal to increase the CPP. We've looked at the different approaches. They're just proposals right now. Nothing specific is on the table.
When we tried looking at ABC, and we wondered what they really wanted, it wasn't clear. So we came out with a road map and showed where the pitfalls we want the government to avoid were: if you want to go this way, here are the pros and here are the cons, and this is how we suggest approaching the matter.
We will certainly send a copy to all the members of the committee here. I think this topic is going to be one for one of your future meetings, and we'd be happy to come and talk about it further.