At the current time, we're doing an integrated revenue collection system, for example, which is allowing us to integrate the revenue collection process.
Previously our revenue collection activity tended to be a little bit too vertical. We would look at a taxpayer's account and their T1 return, make some phone calls to them about what they owe us, and hang up the phone. Somebody else in the organization would realize that they also owed us GST money. Perhaps they're running a small incorporated business and owe us some T2 money.
These aspects were not integrated, so one of the processes, one of the investments we're running now, is an integrated system that would allow the collection agent, when the name is put up on the screen, to identify that not only does this person owe us money on the T1, but they also owe us money in these other areas. That way, the agent can pursue the person for the total debt, not just the single debt, while the agent has the person on the phone.