Let me start with the professional and special services. When the Treasury Board put forward this initiative, they recognized that the nature of the work was short term in nature. The result was they expected that most of the department would be having to not only use their existing employees but also bring in contracted individuals, contract IT specialists.
The nature of our program in particular, which is the corporate administration system, is that it is an SAP-based administrative system, and so from time to time we have to rely on SAP experts who come in to fine-tune and adjust our systems. The professional special services amount is related to those contractors who have come in.
The second item, while it's coded as machinery and equipment.... In some sense, I guess that reflects old thinking, because what it is really is software—the purchase of software, the building of software. It's not, as you may have expected, the acquisition of major pieces of IT gear or equipment.
That's what those two items are.