This particular initiative is not. I would have known, if it were.
Are we participating in other aspects? We do participate with Public Works on a large number of Public Works-led projects.
What's underlying here is another example, however, of an integrated IT service. We do provide to CBSA IT services. When CBSA was created in 2003 and we went about splitting up the previous Canada Customs and Revenue Agency into the two component pieces, it was in a way much easier to divvy up the actual employees—“you're a customs person, and you're a tax person”—but when it came to our IT systems, they had become so integrated that it would have been enormously expensive at that stage to actually duplicate the IT systems and applications that were in play.
So in a serious manner, we are one of the shared IT services that didn't go under the banner of a shared service, but we are effectively a shared service arrangement with Canada Border Services Agency. They remit to us something in the range of $140 million a year for the IT services that we provide on their behalf. We have one integrated set of infrastructure. A number of our applications—certainly, for example, this system, our corporate administrative system—serve both the Canada Revenue Agency and the Canada Border Services Agency.