I think if you look at the housing market in Canada, it has basically been booming for ten years. A lot of pent-up demand has been utilized. Then over the past year or six months we have seen Canadians trying to beat the HST and have basically accelerated their purchasing borrowing activity from the future and the future has arrived. This means there will be a very non-lineal recovery in the market. That's why we believe the first half of the year was very strong in the housing market, artificially strong, and now we're going to slow down.
After a peak or after a boom of ten years, if you look at the house prices vis-a-vis income, or vis-a-vis rent, or vis-a-vis demographics, you can see that basically we were overshooting. And if we were overshooting it means we have to go down. The only question is how quickly and how much. That's why I say we're not crashing here, because we don't have the preconditions for a crash, but we definitely have the conditions for a slowdown.