First of all, let me tell you that the new number will be 2.5%. It will be the number because the potential growth of the economy is slowing down due to all the forces that we mentioned earlier. I won't repeat them.
The potential growth of the economy or the speed limit of the economy is slowing down. This magic number is simply a function of two things: productivity and the increase in the labour force. If you add them together, you've got 3%. Now you will get a little bit less than that, so the point here is that the potential growth of the economy is slowing down.
For China, the potential growth is not 3% but 8% or 9% because of the fact that it's a very young economy. For a mature economy, it's 3% and now 2.5% after this recession.
That is just the way it works, and every year you will overshoot this potential growth or not. And as far as the Bank of Canada is concerned, it basically has a model of what the potential growth should be. If you are below, you have to stimulate the economy, or vice versa.