I'll call the meeting to order again. I will ask colleagues and witnesses to please take their seats.
Just for members' information, and also for the information of our guests, unfortunately, we do have votes, at least three of them, at six o'clock. The bells will ring at 5:30 p.m. I'm hoping, if we get unanimous consent, that we can have the committee sit as close to 6 p.m. as possible, but we will be interrupted by votes at that time. I just want to make sure members are aware of that.
We have with us five organizations: the Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters, Option consommateurs, McGill University, 100th Anniversary Grey Cup Festival--some of you may have noticed the Grey Cup in the room--and we have the Centre for Feminist Research.
Thank you all for being with us here today.
We will start with Mr. Myers from the Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters. You each have five minutes maximum for an opening statement.