I'm just going to take a couple of minutes here. I should point out that the private member's bill was introduced by a member of the opposition, but we will be hearing...and we will expect, obviously, to have people back.
I have two items.
First of all, McGill University, I appreciate your comments about the Vanier scholarships and the Canada research chairs. I appreciate your advice with respect to the granting councils. I did want you to address the indirect costs of research in terms feeling was that it was a percentage, usually about 40%. Is that just on research going forward, or are you recommending it apply retroactively?
I'm going to pose my second question now, in the interests of time.
Mr. Myers, you talked about cashflow drives and investments for companies. What is the best measure for cashflow? Is that the accelerated capital cost allowance that you and I have worked on in the past, or would you identify another measure there?
I'll have McGill answer first and then CME.