I will add that right now about half of the spending in EI is not for benefits for the unemployed. It pays for all sorts of other things. Some have great value and are good societal goals, including maternity and parental leave benefits, fishermen's benefits, and a whole variety of pilot programs that are funded through EI. We're not saying that all those programs should be eliminated, but our members do question from time to time whether it is appropriate to pay for some of these Government of Canada social programs through a mandatory payroll tax and whether there could be other ways of funding some of them.
In addition to that, we think that a variety of pilot projects that EI pays for in the core EI spending area need to be further reviewed. Many of them were just extended by the Government of Canada in recent weeks, but there are a few that we think could be trimmed.
Finally, we are grateful that the opposition parties did take a bill off the table that had been put forward by the Bloc Québécois, a bill that was going to dramatically expand employment insurance benefits. The Liberal Party supported blocking that piece of legislation. We don't think there's any truck or trade right now for any dramatic expansion of employment insurance; unfortunately, some of our opposition parties have not been particularly helpful to us on that front.