With respect to all of these questions, particularly those pertaining to sales tax and equalization, there is a broad consensus in Quebec. Nearly all of the organizations agree on these two issues. That is why we want to send out this message today.
As far as the various scenarios are concerned, there are certainly all kinds of ways to finance the various social programs through transfers between the federal and provincial levels. This is an extremely complex issue. We believe that the basic guiding principle that underpins the federal government's investment in education must first and foremost be a recognition that education is a matter that comes under provincial jurisdiction and that any action taken must bear this in mind in each and every case. This jurisdiction belongs to Quebec and the other provinces, and this must be respected.
We have seen this, for instance, during the debate that was held on student financial assistance programs. The Canadian financial assistance program works differently from that of the other Canadian provinces, and that is what, in part, gives it its strength. The diversity that exists in the student financial aid programs is also present within the Quebec university network, just as each university network, in each Canadian province, has its own features that are unique. These features, in our opinion, must be respected in federal financing. This is what will enable us to use the transferred money as effectively as possible.