Thank you very much for the question. We've been fortunate in recent years. As you know, the Canada Foundation for Innovation has been in place for a little over 10 years, so Canada is very new at the business of funding the types of science and technology investments that we're talking about. However, I must say that the $5.3 billion that has been received over the last 10 years has gone a long way.
You're making reference, obviously, to the stimulus part of the science and technology investments. Universities and colleges have benefited from the knowledge infrastructure program funding, and we have benefited in recent years. All of this was before the 2008 crisis, but we've benefited from a number of additional projects and investments such as the centres of excellence for commercialization and research program and the business-led NCEs. It's obvious that we need, and I tried to make this case in my presentation, a continued investment in research funding, both at the institutional level--operating grants for granting councils are terribly important--and on the infrastructure side. They're critical. Also, if you look at the 12-year existence of the Canada Foundation for Innovation, with $5.3 billion, you can estimate about $400 million or $500 million a year of investments that have been made, but you have to also understand that this has been leveraged significantly, and that's an important aspect.