Thank you.
I have a couple of questions, and then I'll turn it over to my friend and colleague, Mr. Pacetti.
The first question I have is to the museums and Mr. McAvity.
You mentioned a Young Canada Works program to encourage more young Canadian students to work in museums for summer jobs, for instance, and I think you could emphasize that more. We're facing a real challenge around youth unemployment right now. Last summer, student unemployment was the highest it's been in a long time, and it's something the committee takes very seriously.
I guess this is a comment rather than a question. But I really think that recommendation should almost receive greater emphasis, because a lot of us would find it compelling to increase and strengthen funding for young Canadians to have access to summer employment during these difficult times.
I have a question to all of those representing the philanthropic sector. How effective has the elimination of the capital gains tax on gifts of publicly listed securities been for you? Should the same approach be taken on donations of land or private company holdings?