Thank you very much.
My question is for Mr. Turnbull and Mr. Adams, with CMA.
It strikes me that as we move forward, we have to really move away from the hospital being the centre for health care, particularly with the aging demographic, and do more to create a home-centred approach to health care, both economically and socially.
Mr. Szabo was mentioning his mom. My mom's 81 and has Alzheimer's. My 87-year-old father is taking care of her, and we're dealing with that now.
On the issue of helping caregivers and moving from a six-week EI benefit for caregivers, for workers trying to take care of loved ones at home, to six months--as opposed to the current six weeks--to what extent would that help Canadian families?
Also, in regard to a caregiver tax credit modelled on the child tax benefit, focused on helping families take care of loved ones at home, particularly low- and middle-income families, to what extent would that make a difference in not only helping to strengthen the health care system but in helping Canadian families to survive?