And even in terms of modernizing energy or electricity grid, it makes a huge difference in terms of old grid losing 20% of your electricity before you even flip a switch, and smart grids, and the rest; eco-efficiency. So thank you for your presentation.
On the episodic disability issue, it's a very important issue you bring to the committee. It's an issue that is one of compassion but also one of economic productivity when you consider the number of people who prematurely are taken out of the workforce because of episodic disability. If they could participate, if we had a more flexible approach to labour and support systems....
In fact I'd like to meet with you and have a longer discussion around what some of the public policies might be. I'd urge you to consider a focus on the economic cost of inaction. A lot of times when we meet with people at finance committee, we hear proposals for more investment. I think yours has a significant savings to the economy and a real benefit to the economy that could be quantified.
I really thought it was very compelling. You can comment on the economic and competitiveness issue. We're very concerned with the aging demographic and the impact on our productivity as a country, and I think some of your proposals may be very helpful economically to us.