First of all, funding is needed for research and development in the audiovisual industry, which now has to create productions on all platforms. Film and television producers now need to discover and learn about information and communications technologies, develop content that is available on all platforms, and more importantly, create and test new business models. Federal programs that provide funding for research and development in ICT do exist, but we need programs that respond to the new needs of audiovisual producers.
Second, funding for the Canada Media Fund needs to be increased and digital content providers—in other words, Internet and cellphone service providers—must be obliged to make an annual contribution, following the example of broadcasting distribution companies. Those providers already benefit considerably from digital content, without contributing to its funding. These new financial contributions to the Canada Media Fund will help ensure adequate funding for digital content productions in order to provide Canadians with high-quality, diverse Canadian content, while allowing television productions to benefit from full funding, given that Canadian audiences still really appreciate these productions. In addition, the government must ensure permanent funding for the Canada Media Fund for at least five years. This measure would increase the financial stability of our industry.