I find learning is absolutely critical in a world that changes so quickly and in an economy where we really can't predict what the jobs of tomorrow will be.
One of the things that colleges do, I think reasonably well, is keep in touch with employers and try to stay on top of trends. In this respect, cooperation with Human Resources and Skills Development Canada is really critical. At the end of the day, the reality is that in this time of economic stress, our partners, the provinces, typically are reducing funding when really they should be increasing it quite dramatically. It's an area of provincial jurisdiction, yet the federal government historically has played a very important role in times of difficulty. My submission is that it is now a time of difficulty, and in this field we need stronger engagement with the provinces, civil society, and employers. Employers, particularly, are already telling us—and we heard it moments ago—that their future is bleak. They do not know where they will find their workers of the future. They do not see them coming.