Mr. Chair, the motion is:
That the Committee requests that the Parliamentary Budget Officer provide it with a general analysis, within 21 calendar days, of the Department of Finance’s response to the motions moved by Scott Brison, MP and passed by the committee on October 6, 2010. That analysis, shall include, but not be limited to the following items:
The Department of Finance’s assertion that the majority of the Government of Canada’s justice legislation can be implemented without any incremental fiscal costs to the Government and that to the extent that there are new costs associated with the legislation, that these have already been incorporated into the Government’s fiscal projections;
The figures provided by the Department of Finance on the estimated costs to the federal treasury of the Government of Canada’s planned reduction of corporate tax rates from January 1, 2011 onwards;
The Department of Finance’s estimates on the costs of the F-35 aircraft.
The committee also orders that the Government of Canada provide the committee with electronic copies of the following:
Five-year projections of total corporate profits before taxes and effective corporate tax rates from 2010-11 to 2014-15;
All documents that outline acquisition costs, lifecycle costs, and operational requirements associated with the F-35 program and prior programs, the CF-18. Such documents include but are not limited to the Selected Acquisition Report and the report of the US Department of Defence’s Joint Estimating Team both relating to the F-35.
The committee also orders that the Government of Canada provide the committee with electronic copies of the following motions as they relate to each justice bill listed in Mr. Brison's motion of October 6 as well as the following bills: S-2, An Act to amend the Criminal Code and other Acts; S-6, An Act to amend the Criminal Code and another Act; S-7, An Act to deter terrorism and to amend the State Immunity Act; S-9, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (auto theft and trafficking in property obtained by crime); and S-10, An Act to amend the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act and to make related and consequential amendments to other Acts:
the incremental cost estimates broken down by Capital, Operations & Maintenance and Other categories
the baseline departmental funding requirements including the impacts of the bills and Acts, broken down by Capital, Operations and Maintenance and Other categories;
the total departmental Annual Reference Level, including all quasi-statutory and nonquasi-statutory items, including Capital, Operations and Maintenance and Other categories, including the incremental cost estimates;
detailed cost accounting, analysis and projections, including assumptions, for each of the bills and Acts, conducted in accordance with the Treasury Board Guide to Costing.
That the committee orders that all information requested in this motion from the Government of Canada be provided to the committee within 7 calendar days;
That the Committee authorizes the Clerk to distribute to the Parliamentary Budget Officer all documents provided by the Government of Canada to the Committee in response to this motion;
That the Committee shall report to the House the analysis provided by the Parliamentary Budget Officer to the Committee in response to this motion.
Finally, Mr. Chair, I apologize that we do not have the motion in both languages. I have talked to my colleagues from the Bloc, and tomorrow morning the motion will be circulated in both languages. We appreciate your patience with that today.