Yes, that's right. CIHR is moving to address that, and we support that move.
The other imbalance we've pointed out is that respiratory health research has historically been underfunded, and we'd like to see that addressed.
We're not, to be clear, raising equity issues about that, because we all know you can always point to somebody who gets more or less than you do. Rather, we are making an economic argument for it, that there is a crushing economic burden from lung disease, and to properly address that we need to see more of the knowledge from basic research translated into positive outcomes at the bedside.
I think you can see from the rather remarkable example that my colleague gave that simple applications of research at that level can have big impacts, not just on patient care but in a dramatic reduction of health care costs. Remember that COPD, the disease he was talking about, is one of the single most expensive diseases to treat.
We are asking for an additional allocation of $10 million to start movement in the direction of rebalancing that. We've specifically asked for the additional money to save you from having to make recommendations to take money from Peter to pay Paul. We're not suggesting that. We simply think it would make good economic sense to make better investments in lung health research.