There is considerable evidence that inequality in Canada is growing by leaps and bounds. I think the most graphic resource to look at is the Social Watch gender index that is published every year. They did a 2004 through 2007 analysis and concluded that women in Canada had actually lost two-point-some percentage points of equality in that three-year period. Out of 135 countries that were able to be ranked in that way, Canada was ranked at 101, and the best was number one.
Other indicators reveal other dimensions of that. But budget-wise, what can be done? Anything that gives women more than 36% of market incomes would be a very good start: strategic investments in access to care facilities, housing, and expanding the maternity support available; giving all members of the family, fathers as well as mothers, strong incentives to spend time with their children; and expanding the role of the school system could all very rapidly turn things around and put Canada back on the right track.
Don't forget that in 1999 Canada was ranked number one in gender equality in the whole world. So this is a rapid and devastating change that has been taking place.