Exactly. So considerably higher than 70% of your clientele, your businesses, are small business owners. The tax increase in January is actually going to hurt their bottom line, substantively. We're going to have a 5% increase in EI tax.
I understood that you supported the 5% when Minister Flaherty said that instead of increasing it by 15%, it was going to be increased by 5%, and you were supportive of that. The CFIB says that's going to take about 70,000 jobs out of our economy, and that's a pretty significant amount. What you're asking this government to do is not only to go into deficit to fund a large business tax decrease, but you're also, at the same time, going to have an increase in the EI payroll tax rate.
I find it quite ironic that the Canadian Chamber of Commerce would advocate for small businesses to have an increase and large businesses to have a decrease at the same time as--