I have 30 seconds for a response.
I'm sorry, I prefer to answer in English, if I may.
Is it essential to push for shale gas exploration? We're on the downstream side of the equation, not on the upstream. I think markets will decide where exploration and development is going to occur and then deliver to the downstream markets that we represent. However, the one point I want to emphasize is that the regulatory framework for shale gas exploration and development is evolving in certain jurisdictions like Quebec. It's much more robust in other jurisdictions.
It's under review across the country, and the industry is deeply concerned to make sure that it's as robust as possible to address the kinds of concerns that Quebeckers are raising. I think you've seen in the events going on in Quebec the active engagement of companies like Gaz Métro--and Sophie Brochu, the president of Gaz Métro, is one of my member companies--to ensure that the public feels they're getting as much information as possible and that the processes are as robust as possible.