Okay, let's leave it at us tightening up something.
On the Bank Act and the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada Act, we're going to create a new external complaints body for financial institutions. We already have others, and it could be argued that maybe we have too many people involved in this. But that's not my concern.
My concern is that we have matters such as Internet spam. It costs $130 billion a year around the world. Canada is ranked number five in total spam occurrences. There are about nine billion spams a day. We're ranked number five, so we have a big number there. The government is probably looking for ways in which we might be able to tighten up there as well.
Since we have this act, we can deal with domestic things. A big part of the problem is due to international sources that are beyond the reach of our legislation. Having said that, we also have tax treaties and information-sharing agreements with over 90 countries around the world. Was it ever considered that if we're going to have a new complaints commission for banks--because a lot of this stuff has to do with people representing themselves as banks and trying to fish and harvest--that it would have a mandate to go beyond simply consumer complaints against financial institutions, which have basically told consumers that there is nothing they can do, and that we really have to leave it at that?