The agency has an audit program. To give you an idea of the scope, we conduct approximately 800 audits a year. We have audits that target what we consider to be potential risks in specific areas of the charitable sector. We also carry out random audits.
Some of the 800 audits can also be initiated following public complaints, media reports, etc. We address the issue of benefits to find out whether they are reasonable or undue.
Our audits do allow us to find cases of undue benefit. However, there has not been a single case where we had to revoke an organization's registration solely because a high or unreasonable salary had been paid out.
Nevertheless, we do identify cases of undue benefit involving personal or household expenditures, and travel. With regard to such cases, our audits last year allowed us to identify 27 instances of concern with regard to undue benefit. In six of those instances, the problems were serious enough to warrant a revocation of registration.
So we do have concerns in that regard, but we have yet to revoke registration because of unreasonable compensation.