What I would say is that there are huge possibilities for advancing transparency in the charitable sector.
I'll give you an example. For 80,000 non-registered charities that are non-profit organizations, there is zero transparency about their work. That's 80,000 organizations in Canada that have to file a form, many of them a two-page form, but CRA is forbidden to disclose it because the Income Tax Act under section 241 prohibits it. That's something this committee could look at at some point and think about. These documents are being filed. There are 80,000 non-profit organizations that are not registered charities, but CRA is forbidden to disclose it.
The other point I would make is that one of the issues is that there's about six billion dollars' worth of charity-gifting tax shelters that I'm sure CRA has advised you about, which is one of the biggest problems the charity sector has. CRA is forbidden to say anything about those individual organizations until they lose their charitable status, again because of section 241, which are the confidentiality provisions of the Income Tax Act.