—has actually increased salaries, because people are comparing and negotiating higher salaries.
Another concern with the focus on salaries relates to security and privacy. Senior World Vision staff travel frequently in fragile contexts, placing themselves at risk for kidnapping and ransom demands. The release of salary figures that include names and titles for senior staff would impact their safety and security and our security costs. The bill would mean breaching the confidentiality and privacy of thousands of Canadians, putting many who work in the international development sector at risk when they travel overseas.
We welcome the CRA to introduce more stringent requirements in reporting. Would it not be more effective to work through the existing CRA mechanism to achieve the spirit and intent of this bill? Let's continue to work with the CRA to make charitable giving information easier to access and understand. The proposal's focus on salaries won't achieve these.
In conclusion, thank you so much for your time. Also, knowing that our donors and the people we serve demand transparency, we recommend using the already proven CRA reporting mechanism to do so.
Thank you.