Well, they just published a gross number that they thought was lost in tax havens. I don't know how that contributes to government transparency. Transparency may sound like a well-worn phrase, but I happen to believe that it's the most important single thing in government--in fact in everything, and certainly in tax matters.
The more information that's out there for the public, the better. You made a point that I think is a very important one. Those people who are basically shortchanging the revenue authorities here--illegally, in other words, fraudulent dollars--are basically taking money out of your pocket. It's either coming out of the programs you said.... The programs that you want to finance are either short-changed or the taxes are too high to finance the programs because they'd be supplemented by this income. In the past, and that's what I said earlier, everyone thought it was so marginal that it didn't really matter very much, but maybe it matters a lot when you start looking at these numbers. These are substantial numbers we're talking about.
To me, it's reprehensible that I should be paying their taxes, basically, or that you should be paying their taxes. We're all paying their taxes.