I think Canada has done a marvellous job in the international arena. Again, its powers are limited. It would have liked to have seen an automatic exchange-of-information provision provided for in the treaties, but the G-20 turned that down, and the TIEAs and the protocol to the Canada-Swiss tax treaty and the international standard have limits now. The requesting country must provide the name of the person and the name of the bank, and fishing expeditions are prohibited.
Canada has signed, but not ratified, an international treaty on mutual assistance and collection, but Canada has played a significant role in the studies on high-net-worth individuals. I think what has to be borne in mind is that this is a project that will ultimately bear fruit in five or ten years, but we have an opportunity now, where people are willing to come forward. We have this massive group of elderly who are willing to come forward and to write cheques, provided the amount is not perceived as being confiscatory.
In five or ten years' time, I think on the international forum we will have effective enforcement.