So you are saying that any unused taxation measures that could be used more, or some expenditure adjustments, could do the job. The fact that our government's expenditure policy and tax policy are rather conservative does not mean that they are sacred cows.
Mr. Lee, another thing I want to point out before I move on to the Canadian Worker Cooperative Federation is that being at liberty to say what is on your mind does not mean that it is the truth. The MP representing Beauce thinks he is infallible. It would do you good to go to Hochelaga to see what real life is like beyond the findings stored in your laptop. Since I am a nice guy, I will stop there.
I will try to link this to today's topic, which is the government's fiscal projections. Regarding worker cooperatives, you seem to be saying that there is a very short-term problem related to the transfer of companies—two or three years is like tomorrow morning for companies. You say that the issue is new and that the only solution would be to transfer companies to work cooperatives. I may be in agreement with you on this issue.
Why caution people now, when the problem will only arise in two or three years? Do you have any data about this, data based on real life and not on the opinion of academics?