I'm also interested to note that your corporate income tax revenues increase between the period from 2010-11 to 2015-16. In fact, what's really encouraging is the amount of increase in personal income tax the government is slated to collect. I would think this is in two parts. One is because of the growth in the economy. The second is because of the medium-term stimulative effect of the corporate income tax reductions.
One of the things the opposition never talks about, and I think it's important to recognize, is that if you compare the corporate tax rates in 2000, when the dollar was around 63ยข U.S., where it bottomed out, and then you move that forward.... The international currency of business is the U.S. dollar, so when we talk about a dollar at parity, and we actually talk about the effective corporate income tax rate in Canada, although we've moved it down, it's only down slightly from where it was.
I think there are two important things to recognize. One, we have to compete globally, and two, within your own projections, you indicate that these medium-term stimulative effects are dramatically growing the economy and are dramatically growing personal income tax. Is that a fair assessment?