Basically, what we are proposing is a plan that will enable that reflection to happen. First of all, the Canadian cooperative sector is substantial in size. Something like a third of the Canadian population are members of a cooperative. They have over $300 billion in assets, 150,000 employees. We believe they are part of the reason the Canadian economy has come through the crisis so well. The worker cooperative sector is quite underdeveloped. The program we're looking at here is to deal with the business succession crisis, which we think is putting something like two million to three million jobs at risk. We want a program to finalize a set of documentation on the potential of retiring owner succession using employee-owned co-ops. We want to carry out promotions so that we can go into all chambers of commerce, urban and rural, and economic development organizations, so that they will understand the potential and how it's done. We also want to start carrying out conversions to employee-owned businesses using co-op succession professionals.
The whole thing is just not known, so a big part of what we're doing is trying to get it known. We are trying to get the process out there and to start implementing.