There is a small difference. In the language we've used here today, sir, structural deficit or structural balance...that's terminology that economists will use.
What will be the fiscal balance in our case at the federal level when the economy returns to its potential? We're saying our economy is operating about three percentage points below its potential right now, certainly in the second half of 2010. We're saying it will get back to potential by the end of 2015.
When we look at the structure, we're saying there's a deficit now, and that deficit will continue to exist even when you get back to potential.
When you look at fiscal sustainability, you're really talking, in our case, of what it would take, what actions are required, to maintain a stable debt-to-GDP ratio. That's somewhat different.
While our debt-to-GDP ratio is going up, it will come down for a period of time as we move through the medium term. We're saying that it will rise dramatically as we go to the long term because of aging demographics.