To Mr. Pierlot, if you have a copy of your statement—I don't think I have it in front of me, but it might just be in this pile of paper here—I wouldn't mind having it. There were a couple of things in there on taxes.
My view is that there is no magic solution to this. We need to find some things that make sense. Your issue in terms of being able to make up for losses in your RRSP, in terms of increasing your contribution levels, based on what your loss is...or I'm assuming that's what you're talking about. If I lost money on my RRSP this year, but it doesn't really affect my contribution levels for next year, you're saying we should be able to do that. I'm not sure that's administratively possible, but I'm assuming it is.
It's an idea that I'd like to see, so I would appreciate having a copy of anything you have concerning the tax piece. If you would send a copy to the clerk, they would pass it around.
Just for my own education, you are listed as an individual, a lawyer. Are you with a firm that deals with just tax issues, retirement issues? I don't understand your background.