Bluntly, I'm not sure. Obviously I'm not the parliamentary secretary, but a lot of us have offices at La Promenade. I know this is used a lot for hot issues going from finance to different committees, so instead of changing offices and buildings constantly, I don't understand why it couldn't be left to the chair's discretion. If we were to have votes that night, we'd know in advance whether Centre Block was open.
There are a lot of us at La Promenade. With no disrespect to this great historical endeavour called Centre Block, it's a lot more comfortable there, and the air conditioning actually works. A lot of work is going to be done by this committee, and when you sit six hours in a building that isn't air conditioned, it's not a lot of fun. It's a much better facility, frankly.
Rather than have a motion like that, I'd prefer to leave it to the discretion of the chair.