I have a specific suggestion that might actually make some sense for you to think about. I think it would make sense in this area—and probably other areas, but let's limit it to this—for a relatively limited group of developed countries to get together, maybe on an ongoing basis, to discuss these issues.
We have a lot of tax competition among countries. One of the reasons that the havens are able to subsist is that countries are lobbied by their own entities, which say that they're facing competitive pressures, etc.
So I think it would make a lot of sense—and I'm talking about fewer than ten countries, although I don't name the countries—for countries with similar kinds of issues to get together.
I don't think you can leave this to the OECD. The OECD is expanding its membership, and as it expands its membership, it becomes more and more of a lowest-common-denominator organization. You certainly can't leave it to the UN for the same reasons.
So for the developed countries of the world, to the extent that we're talking about domestic tax evasion, I think there ought to be some kind of organization. It doesn't have to be huge or cost a lot of money, but I think that ought to be an initiative worth taking.