Thank you.
It was a brief comment on the role the G-8 and G-20 are playing, and whether it's been positive or not.
They have made some positive steps forward with something called the entity identifier program that the G-20 has directed the Financial Stability Board to implement. This would create a beneficial ownership for people involved in financial transactions...[Inaudible--Editor]...down the road as far as providing more information on who owns legal entities.
The G-20 has also linked the activities that take place in tax...[Inaudible--Editor]...haven development in poor countries. So they understand the linkage and the corrosive impact tax havens have on development.
Those are two...[Inaudible--Editor]...they've done positively. If they would address country-by-country reporting and an automatic exchange of tax information, I think that would be a long...[Inaudible--Editor]...towards where we're trying to get, which is a transparent global financial system.