Thank you, Chair.
Thanks to all of you for appearing before us.
I want to set the record straight, just briefly. I think this is important. Our government has increased the number of CRA experts on the file by roughly 40% from the last year of the Liberal government.
Since 2006, the CRA has audited thousands of cases and has identified more than $4.5 billion in unpaid taxes through our efforts on aggressive international tax planning. This compares to $173 million in the last year of the Liberals.
Volunteer disclosure related to offshore accounts has nearly tripled since 2007. Thanks to the efforts of this government, we are party to over 100 tax agreements. We need to have that fact established.
There's something else that I want to talk about just briefly.
Mr. Howlett, did you say the estimates are that we are losing approximately $5.3 billion to $7.8 billion a year? Could I have just a brief answer? I have to wrap up.