Perhaps I'll provide just a bit of explanation.
Foreign tax credit generators seek to create foreign tax credits for Canadian taxpayers by taking advantages of differences in the way tax laws work in Canada and in other jurisdictions, for example, the United States. We tax on the legal substance in the form of what a taxpayer does. The U.S. generally taxes based on the economic form of what the taxpayer has done. What this does is it allows taxpayers to set up situations where, for example, for Canadian tax purposes, a Canadian taxpayer might own a partnership interest in the U.S., but because of the series of transactions that have been entered into under the U.S. economic substance approach, that property, that partnership interest, might be considered to be owned by someone else for U.S. tax purposes, with the result that, arguably for Canadian tax purposes, you have an interest in a partnership and you should get a foreign tax credit for the tax paid by that partnership.
But for U.S. tax purposes, what they see is an interest in a partnership that's owned by a U.S. resident, and a U.S. resident makes payment of interest, which is exempt from U.S. withholding, for U.S. purposes. The result is you can get results that you can't get in a straightforward way. You get a foreign tax credit in Canada and the U.S. company gets a deduction.
In terms of the impact, which I think is what you're asking, this is an integrity measure. Again, this is just something where the CRA identified these schemes and we took action to stop them. Individual transactions that were identified could run to the tens and maybe hundreds of millions of dollars with respect to the income at play. But in terms of what's actually booked for fiscal revenue, there is no fiscal cost associated with it.
And as to how it's working, we don't have any intelligence that it's not.