This is, in the main, a very well-received measure. There are all sorts of legal complexities given the different types of corporate law that one encounters in a range of foreign jurisdictions. As to whether money that comes out is a return of capital, is a return of something that Canadian corporate law would regard as paid-up capital or legal stated capital, or whether it's divided, these private law determinations are necessary as a prerequisite to applying Canadian tax rules.
Therefore, simplifying rules were introduced generally to say that most distributions out of a foreign affiliate, other than something that is expressly return of capital, or something that comes out in the course of dissolution, is a dividend. That is one simplifying point. Then with respect to returns of capital, provisions have been made to enable Canadian taxpayers to get at their investment first, before they would have to bring back surplus pools, without any underlying tax attached to them.
Generally speaking, what comes out of a foreign affiliate is exempt surplus. Then taxable surplus comes. Taxable surplus pool is the one that could result in additional Canadian tax on repatriation. Once you've exhausted those pools, you're then into a notional pool of pre-acquisition surplus, which is essentially return of your capital.
These rules now facilitate an ability to elect to skip over the taxable surplus pool or the new hybrid surplus pool. That is a relieving and taxpayer-friendly provision. Those pools would usually result in residual Canadian tax being paid. That residual Canadian tax can be deferred further by making an election to get at a qualifying return of capital, to essentially get at the shareholder's investment first, ahead of the low-taxed surplus pools.