Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Before asking questions, I would just like to clarify points raised by two of my government colleagues at the last session. It is true that the then Liberal-dominated Senate delayed this bill once, but it's important, I think, to understand why. The primary reason is they discovered a feature of the previous bill, which is not in the current bill, which allowed the minister to arbitrarily deny tax credits to certain films, and I seem to recall Mr. Charles McVety talking about films that were not sufficiently Christian that should be denied such funding. So I commend my Senate colleagues for discovering this feature and blocking it.
The other point I would make to Ms. Glover is that I think the reason for delay of this bill in the House right now has to do with overall politics among the House leaders. I would suggest to her that she might talk to Peter Van Loan, her House leader, because I think the resolution of this matter is largely in his hands, depending on his overall behaviour. I think such a conversation would be useful.
Now if I may, I'll ask a question to Ms. Plant. In terms of the time it takes for CRA, their objective is 60 days, but, as you know, it's going in the wrong direction to 101 days, and most recently 106. I wonder if you could describe to us what you think are the main reasons for going in the wrong direction and what actions could perhaps be taken to make the delay go in the right direction, i.e. down.