Thank you.
We'll accept that as a notice of motion.
Are there any other notices of motion by members?
Okay. Thank you, colleagues.
I want to thank you very much, Minister Menzies, for your appearance here today, for your presentation, and for responding to our questions. I want to thank your officials as well. Thank you for that information.
I would add, as your chair, with any friendly persuasive powers that I have, that if we could get this bill to committee.... As members on both sides have pointed out, it is still being debated at second reading in the House. I would like to have this bill at committee as soon as possible so that when we get to clause-by-clause, we will actually be able to deal with the clauses of the bill in this committee. I hope members on both sides will take that back to their parties.
Minister, thank you so much for being with us.
Colleagues, we will suspend for two minutes while we bring our next witnesses forward.
Thank you.
I call this meeting back to order. Thank you, colleagues. I will ask you to find your seats, please.
We're very pleased to have with us three witnesses to discuss Bill C-48, the technical tax bill that we were discussing previously with Minister Menzies. We have the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants with us here today, the Canadian Tax Foundation, and the Office of the Auditor General of Canada.
I understand each of you has opening remarks. We will start with the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants for your five-minute opening presentation.