You're exactly right; the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health study indicated that teen smoking rates in Ontario, which were declining, are now starting to go on the rise again, likely because of contraband. They said that 43% of the young people who smoked were smoking contraband cigarettes. Because of the cigarettes' cheapness and poor quality, the young people were smoking more of them, so obviously they would get hooked faster.
The problem I have as a father and a police officer is that if you buy these cigarettes off basically criminals, number one, yes, you can also get something else for the weekend, if you like. Would you like that baggy of cigarettes? Would you like a little ecstasy for going to the club this weekend? Would you like a bottle of vodka? No ID is required. They'll sell it to people 12 years old. The youth are also learning that it's okay to break the law, which is a very concerning thing to me. They hear that, yeah, it's okay to break the law, don't worry about it; I'll sell you this, and very cheaply.
I'm not sure if there was another point that you wanted me to cover.