I'm sure you've talked to different police forces in regard to this, and about some of the frustrations they have. What have they said to you about the implications in a situation where they go out and make an arrest, and it goes through the legal system and...? Do they view it as just being an exercise in frustration, or is there actually some teeth?
I know we have some new criminal legislation coming in right now, which of course our opposition members are against. I think they look at a victimless crime as the victim actually being the guy committing the crime, not the person the crime's being committed on. In this case, they would look at the smugglers as being the victims instead of the kids at the high school.
I think you quoted the fact that something like 43% of students--the ones who are smoking, I assume--are using contraband. I think the numbers around Parliament here are based on a survey last year; it was something like 80% or 85%. Don't quote me on those numbers.
Again, your public awareness makes a lot of sense to me, because you're talking not just about the victims and the people involved. We also don't know what's in these things. We don't know what else they're selling, either. They might be selling cocaine and other drugs. What else is on their menu of things that kids can buy from them?
Do you have any comments on that?