I'm going to pick up on something that my colleague Mr. Jean was speaking about. As he mentioned, we often joke with each other that a large percentage of my residents actually live and now work in his riding because that's where the jobs are. I know several of these young people personally. In fact I've had several ex-students who are now working in the oil sands in Mr. Jean's riding.
There is a difficulty, and I think he's onto something there. When they leave our community college system in particular and move out there to take positions, they don't have the necessary requirements. I think Syncrude and the other big companies would partner with some of the community colleges if there were a proper tax incentive in place so they could do it.
Would there be support in the educational community to do something like that, so we can train our people out east and prepare them for future positions out west, let's say, from the Muskrat Falls project, from fibre optic linesmen jobs, which are going to be to coming up? Would there be some support for that initiative?