I do not want to over the same points again. I agree with what Ms. Nash has said. However, there are two things I would like to mention.
First, I do not see the link between income inequality and household debt. Household debt affects a significant number of Canadian households, whatever their income level. Families in comfortable financial circumstances as well as those less fortunate all have too much debt. Whatever way you look at it, indebtedness is a question that is much more macroeconomic in nature, if you tackle it as a Canadian problem. We are talking about a debt-to-income ratio of 167%, but that does not apply to all Canadians. It is a macroeconomic question. The study we are proposing has nothing to do with income inequality.
So, even though I agree that we will be very busy—we are the Standing Committee on Finance, after all—I want to emphasize that that did not stop us from holding 12 meetings on charitable donations. That is an important matter. But if we were able to dedicate 12 meetings to that one question, despite the fact that our schedule was equally busy, I feel that we can find some time between now and Christmas, or between now and whenever we set, to have some meetings on this other matter, which is extremely important for all Canadians.
So I encourage everyone to vote in favour of this motion. We can then decide on the best time to conduct the study, depending on the time the committee has available.