Certainly the external environment is quite important for Canada. We export a lot of goods and services, so whatever is happening in the United States, in Europe, in the emerging markets, would be important for Canada. Everybody knows that there is a lot of uncertainty out there, especially in the U.S. and Europe. The fiscal situation in both areas is in very bad shape. There is also a lack of.... Especially in the U.S., the decision-making processes are really not working very well. There is a lot of uncertainty. If some of those problems and risks are realized over the next couple of years, it will obviously have a huge negative impact on the Canadian situation.
The way the projections are done right now is that the underlying assumption, really, is that over the next couple of years some of those issues will be resolved in the U.S. and Europe and they will go back to sort of more normal modes of operation. But if those things are not realized, obviously both will have a different scenario.