On the budget 2012 spending reductions for the department, there are three main areas in the department that we're seeking efficiencies.
The first is in our internal services corporate groups. We've done some restructuring and some realignment of responsibilities to drive out some efficiencies.
On the policy research side of the department, we've reorganized to embed stand-alone research analytics in the policy advice function, as opposed to having them stand alone. We've also made greater use of information technology in things like our staffing and recruitment processes.
With respect to the decrease of $4.4 million, this is the sunsetting of some previously approved, time-limited items, including the corporate asset review, which was the review of government assets, and some funding related to the department's role as co-chair of the G-20 framework working group. It also includes some work on GST technical issues and personal income tax issues, such as, for example, a review of the registered disability savings plan, employee profit-sharing plans and such, and some sunsetting resources in the financial sector area related to specific legislative and policy drafting requirements.