There is a reduction. The results almost speak for themselves, as we've been seeing Canadians filing more electronically.
The focus of our advertising campaign has been fostering Canadians' awareness of tax relief measures and encouraging Canadians to file electronically. I think you may have seen the more recent ads: file your taxes online and get your refund faster. I think that's been a key message that we've been using at the agency, and I think people have really benefited. I know when I filed my return electronically, I got my return in approximately eight days, whereas the paper returns take about six weeks by the time everything is put in there. So it's a tremendous amount.
Our campaign this year is, as I mentioned, focused on tax relief measures, increasing the number of Canadians who claim their benefits and credits, and also working with private and not-for-profit organizations. So it's not just about television and radio ads, but it's how we use the Internet, how we use other forms of media, and how we leverage our partnerships with other organizations to get the message out.